Thursday 9 February 2017

Poster key conventions:

  • Title
  • Film stars 
  • Tag line 
  • Release date
  • Production blur
These key conventions attract an audience as they are bold and stand out.It also attracts an audience as they may like some of the actors in this film such as Leonardo Dicaprio.From this film poster you can also see that the director is Quentin Tarantino.You can also see this film is about a man who wants revenge .

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Institution logo
Clear opening layout setting,characters and narative
Fast paced editing
Short clips of key moments in film

This trailer starts off by showing the institution logo "Colombia". It then goes on to show some of the main characters and them speaking to each other.Towards the middle it shows some action and gets more fast pace . Towards the end the trailer gets very action packed and shows alot of violence,guns and explosions and has a great "Tarantino" moment of blood going all over the flowers.This trailer may interest people as it has a very good storyline and an important message.